Category Archives: Retirement

Plan Permanency

There are several misconceptions surrounding the funding requirements of retirement plans, particularly when it comes to Defined Benefit Plans. Many individuals falsely believe that funding their plan is a long-term commitment that must be maintained for a minimum of three years or more. This notion often deters people from considering a Defined Benefit Plan, wrongly […]

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Secure Act 2.0: Recent Changes

Secure Act 2.0: Recent Changes The SECURE Act 2.0, officially known as the Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2021, is a proposed legislation aimed at improving retirement savings and expanding retirement plan access. If passed into law, this act would introduce several significant changes that could impact individuals’ retirement planning and financial strategies. In […]

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Which Retirement Plan Is Best for You?

Many people work their entire lives with retirement as the goal. After decades of full-time work, it’s natural to want to be able to kick back, relax and spend time with your family during your golden years. The best way to ensure a comfortable retirement is to plan for it financially. Choosing the right retirement […]

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Quick Facts About Cash Balance Plans

We all know the importance of setting up a retirement plan and making regular contributions to it. What you might not know much about, though, are all of the different types of retirement plans out there. Cash balance plans are becoming increasingly popular among workers across the country. Continue reading to learn what they are […]

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