About Us
“A qualified retirement goal is an extremely valuable asset to any company. To benefit employer and employees alike to the fullest extent possible, plan design and administration requires diligent care, personal service, and above all, a mastery of the complex and ever changing opportunities available. At Fiduciary Advisors, LTD., we have the expertise to design plans that best serve our clients’ priorities, and the integrity to meet their needs.”
David S. Ludwig | President & CEO
A Personal Presence
Fiduciary Advisors, LTD. is committed to building relationships that last. This means making ourselves available to you when and how you need us. Our responsive staff prides itself on rapid turnaround times, no matter what effort is required… going the extra mile is part of doing our job. Whether conducting enrollment meetings, preparing detailed actuarial calculations, or supplying clients with important answers to critical questions, we take a personal interest in every aspect of service we provide.
Employee Communication
We recognize that selecting a plan is just the beginning… timely, effective and consistent communication is crucial to keeping employees informed and involved. Through periodic participant statements and enrollment meetings, we will assist you in explaining your plan’s features and advantages to your workforce in a way which instills confidence, provides comfort and bolsters participation.
The Assurance of Expertise
Proper plan administration is thorough, detailed work that must be carried out accurately and conscientiously. Precise calculation, alert monitoring, keen analysis — all must be orchestrated and executed in a timely manner. We will help coordinate the complex, yet well established, aspects of retirement planning. From installation to termination, and all the data collection, asset analysis and actuarial process in between, we at Fiduciary Advisors, LTD. hold ourselves to the highest standards of performance.
Rich Heritage, Sterling Reputation
Since 1985, our founder has served this industry and established a tradition of excellence in the Phoenix, Tempe, and Scottsdale, AZ communities. Employing a well-seasoned staff of actuaries and administrators continues to make Fiduciary Advisors, LTD. a leader in retirement administration. We are uniquely focused on developing and managing employees’ defined benefit plans. By concentrating on planning and leaving the investment advise to your money managers and financial planners, we are able to provide a premier service to our clients. Thousands of employees, working for hundreds of employers throughout the United States, depend on our firm for their retirement benefit needs.
A Competitive Advantage
Qualified retirement preparation, while seemingly complex and involved, are excellent tools for reaching goals and providing solutions to problems. Competent retirement plan implementation promotes long-term employment, provides attractive employee benefits, capitalizes on tax advantages, and rewards performance. Forward-thinking companies of all sizes implement plans every day to achieve their financial and operational objectives.
Customized Services
Fiduciary Advisors, LTD. provides a full range of comprehensive plans and services. We tailor our plans according to the priorities of our clients, while complying with all relevant laws and statutes, to ensure that the plan’s qualified status remains secure. In addition, we meticulously monitor legislation and its impact on out policies to remain on the cutting edge of our industry. Contact us today!