In search of a quick way to get cash in hand, many of us turn to loan companies for a solution. Of course, the problem with many of those loan offers is that they often come with sky-high interest rates and predatory guidelines. That’s why a 401k participant loan can look so appealing compared to them.
So, what is a 401k participant loan? Let’s answer that question in great detail in this article. We will also go over the rules for that type of loan so you can determine if it makes sense for your current predicament.
Defining 401k Participant Loans
A 401k participant loan is money you borrow from your 401k plan. Not everyone is aware that borrowing from a 401k plan is an option, but you may be eligible for it.
For many individuals, the prospect of borrowing from their retirement plan is unsettling. You may see the 401k participant loan as something that could jeopardize your future.
While there is some risk baked into taking out a 401k loan, it’s no different from the risk you accept when you seek out any other type of loan. One can even argue that 401k participant loans are more appealing because repayments are generally easier to afford.
401k loans are also appealing because they don’t require credit checks. You should be able to secure one relatively quickly.
Can you take a 401k loan for any reason? Your reason for taking out a 401k loan will not affect your chances of being deemed eligible for it. Instead, there are rules that govern 401k loans that also affect who will be eligible for them.
The Rules for 401K Participant Loans
Rules for 401k participant loans determine eligibility, the maximum amount you can borrow, repayment terms, and other important matters. You must know those rules better before deciding if this type of loan is what you need.
Not All 401K Plans Allow Loans
First off, you should know that not all 401k plans allow participants to take out loans. You should take the time to check if your plan permits borrowing before banking on it for an emergency.
Caps on Loan Amounts
The maximum amount you can borrow from your 401k plan is either $50,000 or half of your vested account balance. It will be the lesser of those two numbers.
Notably, there is an exception which states that borrowers can receive a loan of up to $10,000 if 50 percent of their vested balance is less than $10,000. However, not all plans may include that exception.
Repayment Terms
If you take out a 401k loan, you must be ready to make repayments quarterly. You cannot make repayments less frequently than that.
Furthermore, borrowers are required to pay back the loan completely within five years. Borrowers are only exempted from that rule if they use the money to buy a primary place of residence.
401K Loans Must Be Repaid Regardless of What Happens to Your Job
A 401k loan must be repaid even if you are fired or decide to leave your current job. In that scenario, you will have until the tax return filing due date of that tax year to pay back the remainder of your loan. You also have the option of rolling your loan into a different retirement account.
Failing to pay the loan back on time could lead to you facing a tax nightmare.
Spouse Must Approve the 401K Loan
Lastly, some plans that permit 401k loans require spousal consent for approval. The consent from the spouse must be provided in written form.
A 401k loan can help you out in a tight spot and it could be your best option as well given its terms. Just remember the rules of 401k loans so you don’t end up in trouble down the line.